The Smart Strip Diffuser

Every diffuser, no matter how good, reaches the end of its service life at some point and needs to be replaced. It must be replaced at the latest when the membranes fail mechanically. Until now, the entire diffuser was always removed from the tank in the case of plate and strip diffusers. Replacing the membrane was not possible with plate and strip diffusers or only possible with considerable time expenditure. Jäger has now solved this problem.


Typestrip diffuser
Materialpolyurethane, regranulated PVC
Length1,5m, 2m, 2,5m, 3m, 3,5m, 4m
Area of applicationindustrial and municipal wastewater

Type: strip diffuser  
Material: polyurethane, regranulated PVC
Length: 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m
Area of application: industrial and municipal wastewater

Nahaufnahme Jetflex® SSD Belüfter

Replaceable membrane

The patented solution is impressively simple: the membrane is designed as an all-round airtight double film and is fitted with an air connection. The air introduced between the foils can only escape via the micro-perforation in the upper membrane. This means that the membrane is completely decoupled from the base body – a first for this type of diffuser. The base body of the new SSD is only used to attach the membrane. The membrane can be inserted into the piping guides of the base body in just a few seconds. This in turn can be mounted on the pool floor in a height-adjustable manner. If only the membrane is to be supplied, it can be rolled up into a spiral shape. This also drastically reduces the shipping weight and volume.

All advantages at a glance

High oxygen tranfer with low pressure loss
No use of adhesives
Diffuser body can be manufactured locally
Easy handling
Use of small packaging units
Low risk of damage, robustness
Low costs, little effort for membrane replacement
Avoidance of plastic waste by reusing the base bodies at the end of the membrane’s service life
Use of recycled and recyclable materials
CO2 footprint of the product is reduced by approx. 25%
Low buoyancy forces when used on liftable frame constructions

Innovations at a glance

In our short explanatory video, we show the advantages of the new Jetflex® SSD.

Mounting the SSD strip diffuser

Replacing the SSD strip diffuser membrane

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José Igual


Sales Natcha Kosolkamolmas

Natcha Kosolkamolmas


Tel. +49 51164644415

Jaeger Rubber & Plastics (Shenzhen) Ltd.

Tel. +86 755 - 29832412

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