Mobile unit


With the CLEARBOX®, we offer you a new solution for decentralized wastewater treatment. The CLEARBOX® Flex series, supplied in the format of an ISO container, can be used in a variety of ways. The flexible design means that it can be adapted to the cleaning objective on site in just a few simple steps.

The patented process specially developed for the CLEARBOX® achieves outstanding removal rates with low energy requirements. The system is characterized by operational safety, reliability and low operating and maintenance costs.

All advantages at a glance

Flexibility and scalability

Low maintenance

High degree of adaptability

Low operating and energy costs

Durable material

High quality of waste water

Small footprint

Good sludge settleability

Areas of application

Integriertes Belueftungssystem mit Cleartec® BioCurlz
Einbau der CLEARBOX® SBR Flex Series


CLEARBOX® is based on a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) process. It consists of six phases, whereby the presence and duration of the reaction phases depend very much on the wastewater characteristics and the aim of the treatment (i.e. organic reduction, nitrification, nitrification-denitrification or biological nutrient removal (BNR)).

The raw wastewater first flows into a screening chamber where filterable substances are screened out. This is an essential step to prevent clogging of the pumps and the textile media. Depending on the degree of contamination, the reaction phase can then begin immediately in the flexible zone (e.g. in the biological pre-treatment of organic-rich wastewater) and/or in the SBR zone.

The reaction phases consist of an anaerobic mixing phase, followed by aerobic and/or anoxic phases for phosphorus elimination, nitrification or nitrification-denitrification. The final steps are the settling and decanting phases, in which the biomass is successively separated and the treated wastewater is discharged.

One of the main advantages of the CLEARBOX® is the integration of CLEARTEC® and operation with the new ShearCon® process, which results in excellent settling properties and a higher nitrification rate. The low SVI value of the CLEARBOX® sludge enables a higher exchange volume while at the same time reducing the required settling and reaction time.

Einbau der CLEARBOX® SBR Flex Series

Flexibility of the CLEARBOX®

The CLEARBOX® was designed to cover all areas of application with one model and to meet the requirements of a potentially dynamic working environment. Its sophisticated design combines simplicity with a high degree of flexibility. This makes it possible to react quickly to new requirements without having to undertake major construction work or make new purchases. The combination of simple operation and adaptable technology makes the CLEARBOX the solution for the future of wastewater treatment.

Flexibility through the introduction of multi-purpose tank

Flexibility through the introduction of the flexible zone

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José Igual


Sales Natcha Kosolkamolmas

Natcha Kosolkamolmas


Tel. +49 51164644415

Jaeger Rubber & Plastics (Shenzhen) Ltd.

Tel. +86 755 - 29832412

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